May 19, 2007; Columbus, Ohio
My Saturday morning started at 6:20 am -- a bit early even for me. I woke up, ate my Luna Bar and headed out to run the Susan G.
Komen Race for the Cure 5K in downtown Columbus with Allison, my co-clerk. The race was only a little over a mile and Allison and I (pictured below) ran it at a good pace. There were 37,000 people at the race -- making it the biggest event in Columbus aside from an
OSU home game.

(This is a picture of Allison and I after the race. We were able to get a free
Polaroid picture taken of us. I attempted to have the picture scanned but failed. Instead, what you see is a picture of the picture.)
After the race my co-clerks and I hosted a barbecue (
Clerkapolooza 07) for our clerk friends by the pool at our apartment complex (Barney, David and I all live in the same building). As the long sleeve shirt I wore to the race indicates, it was cold earlier in the day (in the 50s) and although the forecast was 74 and sunny, by the time our
barbecue started at 2 pm, it was cold, overcast, and there were drops of rain falling sporadically. Not the best day for a BBQ.

(Our poolside barbecue location)

(Barney and
Yani (the dog) sitting at our table.
Yani belongs to the other group of

(Barney and David talking to a British guy who was also
barbecuing. In front of me, the guy told Barney that women were great as long as they were 30 feet away and you couldn't hear them! I admit, it was a bit amusing. He's lucky Allison wasn't there to hear this.)

(Barney, David, Justin, Me and the
Doog, and Nick)

(The other group barbecuing with us at first struggled to light their charcoal on fire, but once they got the fire going, it got so hot that their food was burnt after less than 5 minutes on the grill. Their meat was scorched on the outside and frozen on the inside.)

Even Molly was able to partake in the fun. And in case you were wondering, the sun was fashionably late. It decided to finally join the party around 5 pm -- just about the time I decided to leave!
Up Next: Valerie and Adam head to San Francisco for Erendira's wedding!
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